Quiet Quit by Reskilling and Repurposing

Michelle Mains
3 min readSep 27, 2022


Vacation made everything crystal clear for my friend, Manu. When I asked how his re-entry was going after a week in Aspen, he said bluntly: “I’m quitting.”

Manu is a true-blue, salt of the earth guy. So, my jaw dropped after he blurted out his decision.

“Well, not quit like giving in my notice quit, but made up my mind quit,” he reassured me. “If I’m honest, I’ve been on this job so long that it doesn’t light my fire.”

“But leaving is crazy,” I interrupted. “You could do this job with your eyes closed!”

“That’s the problem — I feel like I’m repeating myself,” Manu sighed. “I have some financial headroom since my son graduated from college. So, I’ve decided to take the next year to save money and figure out what’s next.”

The punch line is that the latest TikTok trend didn’t spark Manu’s story — it happened over ten years ago. He did quit, then shifted from being an engineer to home inspections and selling real estate.

What helped him make such a radical transition? Repurposing soft skills he had already mastered, like thinking on his feet, communicating well, and wisely managing his day.

Soft Skills Can Take You Places

In the September series, Soft Skills Essentials for Quiet Quitting, we’ve discussed ways to use soft skills to land a new job, attain a leadership position, or expand in your current role. Are you at a crossroads like the case study? You’re not alone. A recent survey found that 76% of respondents aren’t necessarily looking for the exits. What they are looking for are ways to learn and develop.

But here’s the good news: You don’t have to wait for someone to create the perfect training program or make a giant leap and leave your job simply because others are doing so. Instead, start skilling up for your next opportunity now by using the concept of quiet quitting to your advantage. Step back, reassess, and envision where you would like to be in the future. Then create a plan to either learn new soft skills or strengthen what you already do well.

For instance, imagine having the confidence to describe your cross-group collaboration skills at The Chance Meeting, where someone casually mentions how they’re adding staff. Envision feeling prepared to pursue a leadership role after The Crisis when your manager suddenly changes companies. Or being ready to Pivot after an acquisition. A new Business Development team would be thrilled to have you on board because you’re a pro at negotiating deals that benefit both sides. A strong suite of soft skills can take you all those places.

Soft Skills Essentials for Quiet Quitting Recap

Soft skills aren’t tricky or complicated — they’re as easy as 1, 2, 3! Here’s a recap of the three ways we’ve learned in this series:

1. Essential #1 — Create a 3-Step Pitch: Qualifications open the door, but soft skills seal the deal. So, ensure every pitch stitches together your technical acumen, lived experience, and soft skills expertise.

2. Essential #2 — Design a High Value Pitch: See what doesn’t happen as part of the value you bring. Results 2.0 means highlighting ways you turn to soft skills to avoid trouble.

3. Essential #3 — Pursue Next Level Soft Skills: Don’t miss out on a Big Opportunity — at work or after hours in a charity or community group — because it includes a soft skill you may not love, like presenting, keeping your cool with difficult people, or solving thorny problems. Get ready now by taking your skills to the next level.

Instead of being back on your heels when that thunderbolt comes your way, boss up and act like the creative, wise CEO of your life. Design a custom roadmap for success now.

Boss Up with “Soft Skills Basics in a Flash”

If you’re new to soft skills or want a refresher, boss up with my free 15-minute course, “Soft Skills Basics in a Flash.” You’ll learn what soft skills are, why people who understand soft skills stand out in a crowd, and practical, actionable ways to use soft skills every day. With the bonus 1-pager, “7 Ways to Pitch Your Soft Skills Superpower” in your back pocket, you’ll leave calm, self-assured, and ready to speak soft skills with anyone who asks.

