Perfect Your Agility Flex: Three Essential Work Techniques to Handle Change
Mark Zuckerberg coined the phrase, “Move fast and break things.” But with the latest EU privacy fine of $1.3 billion, it may be time to rethink that mindset!
Let’s be clear: No one wants life to be more complicated than it needs to be. I have yet to hear someone say, “I can’t wait for this project to take longer!” However, what I’ve witnessed in deal-making is simple: Rushing is a red flag because important points get missed.
There’s no need to break anything, including breaking the bank or ruining critical relationships. In the place of moving too fast, visualize how a surfer handles surging waves. Wiping out or breaking things is the last thing on their mind. Instead of rushing — which could lead to injuries — they become even more intentional about their actions, so they don’t get hurt.
Likewise, you can skillfully navigate uncertainty by perfecting your agility flex. Not the kind of flex where you pretend everything is under control. The alternative is to think of “flex” as in flexibility. Cut uncertainties down to size by taking surgical, targeted, intentional actions.
Let’s meet someone whose change of heart drastically changed their business results.
Use Sudden Changes to Your Advantage
Brian Chesky knew he was on to something with the idea of renting private property for limited stays. The Airbnb business model was ready to disrupt the structure used for decades by traditional hotels and vacation rentals if they could only bust out with a quick start.
But when he talked with a friend, their advice was shocking: Forget about going big. They recommended, “Focus on 100 people that love you, rather than getting a million people to kind of like you.”
Chesky went back to the drawing board, rethought their processes, and made improvements. For instance, Airbnb sharpened onboarding so it was easy for potential hosts. Then they ensured guests had such a positive trip that they reviewed the experience and booked return visits.
The tweaks Chesky made paid big dividends, resulting in an improved and expanded business. They found the 100 people who loved them, and when they went viral, the company was ready for the spike in business. Now they have a network of four million hosts in approximately 100,000 cities.
Three Ways to Perfect Your Agility Flex
In the June series, Three Essential Work Techniques to Handle Change, we’re discussing three qualities to help you thrive when you face change. Last week we talked about creativity. Quality #2 is agility.
The old way of bossing up was to ignore setbacks and proceed full steam ahead with the original plan. Many people believed that rethinking strategy might make them look weak. However, the case study shows how embracing unexpected developments can play in your favor.
So, retire the idea that progress only happens when you move fast and break things. A flurry of quick decisions without contingency thinking can backfire (to the tune of $1.3 billion in penalty fees!). Instead, put the work skills and techniques you use every day into play. Perfect your flex by being adaptable, exercising thoughtful judgment, and maintaining healthy self-esteem when doubts arise.
Here are three ways to model Airbnb’s agility flex or brainstorm ways that are right for you:
Two things are certain: Ambiguities happen daily and trying to do everything at once is stressful. Pushing too fast will bring tension to an already-tense situation. So, when change is afoot, consider that it might be a blessing in disguise. Rather than making decisions as fast as possible to get out of uncomfortable circumstances, focus on making discriminating choices. Courageously acknowledge, address, or refine what is vague or ambiguous. Then use what you learn to your advantage.