Listen Up for Inside Information

Michelle Mains
3 min readApr 10, 2021


A follower messaged me and wrote, “I want to make wise choices, but I never know when I’m listening to instincts or my ego!” Do you feel the same way? Then let me give you a style icon: Luke Skywalker.

Reverend Matty tweeted, “The entire movie Star Wars is about how Luke Skywalker can’t see anything using technology. At the end, he turns off his computer, relies on himself, and eyeballs the shot that destroys the scariest technology of all. How did it take me so long to notice this?!” That tweet is a perfect example of what happens when you detach from the “what abouts” racing in your mind and tune into your instincts.

Smart choices aren’t limited to superheroes — you can learn how to make them using the soft skill of discernment.

Step one to making wise decision is to listen to the messages your heart is saying, and that includes getting feedback your personality would rather not hear. Let me tell you how a friend used that small voice to make big changes.

Janie Makes a Change

My friend Janie is one of the hardest working, most diligent people I know. That’s why I was surprised when she told me how she asked her former boss to fire her. Well, kind of.

Janie had a light bulb moment after a week-long motorcycle trip in the Rocky Mountains. She told me, “There was something about being in that fresh mountain area that cleared my head. Luckily, I was on good terms with my manager, so after I finished telling him about my vacation, I dropped the truth bomb. I said, ‘Do me a favor — if I’m still here in a year, fire me.’”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Why would you say something like that?!”

“Because we both knew it was long overdue!” Janie laughed. “I hadn’t been a positive, productive employee in a long time — not at that job. What I was happy doing was volunteering at Habitat for Humanity. Time away made me realize that I had to get out of limbo and make a choice. I either needed to stop phoning it in and recommit to my day job or take the leap to go in another direction. I got serious about building a nest egg, and a year later, he didn’t have to fire me because I had enough savings to quit. And that’s how I got started in real estate!”

How You Can Make a Wise Decision

Janie’s ego could have told her, “You know how to do this job blindfolded. You’re here every day — that’s enough!” But smart decisions don’t come from overconfidence or will. Instead, the trick is to bravely listen to your gut instincts, even when they feel uncomfortable. For Janie, that meant acknowledging crystal-clear insights like:

· This job has run its course

· You have more to give

· That after-hours thing you love? Pursue it! [and]

· You have what it takes to figure out the financials

You might be in a similar situation. So, rather than brushing off what may seem awkward, courageously take note. Here are three ways to start:

1. Make it fast by declaring, “It is easy and natural for me to balance my instincts and my intellect.”

2. Make it deep by taking 30 minutes to journal or have a quiet walking meditation. Spark an a-ha moment by mulling the question, “What if I…?”

3. Make it real by validating one of your ideas. Research next steps or mull over a timeline for your goal.

Start paying attention to your instincts — they’re trying to give you inside information about what your future holds. If you want to make a wise choice, don’t minimize those messages — listen up.



Michelle Mains
Michelle Mains

Written by Michelle Mains

Soul Boss creator. Learn how soft skills solve hard problems at

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