4 Ways High Value People Keep Their Options Open

Michelle Mains
3 min readJul 16, 2024


Life cereal once had a famous commercial where brothers attempted to coerce the youngest into trying a new breakfast. Each brother pushes the bowl down the table, saying, “Let Mikey eat it.” The joke is on them as Mikey digs in, loving every bite.

Sometimes work can feel like that Life commercial, where you wonder if it’s worth taking a chance or if you’ll be fooled into playing a stupid game with stupid prizes. But here’s what high results, high value people (HVP’s) know: Availability informs opportunity. That means they stay available until they get the details needed to make an informed decision.

The strategy to assert your agency through learning more is a much better choice than a bunch of snappy clapbacks or a take-no-prisoners mentality. Any HVP will tell you that “the person who automatically says no” isn’t the brand you want to build.

Let’s meet someone who was surprised to learn that there’s plenty of middle ground between a hard no and a blind faith yes.

Availability Informs Opportunity

A funny clip showed up on my YouTube feed featuring everyone’s favorite cartoon co-worker, Veronica. In the short, Veronica’s manager stops by to discuss how her career is developing.

The conversation starts positively, with the manager confirming that Veronica is meeting expectations. But then she encourages Veronica to “want more for herself.” And that’s where things get ugly.

It’s hard to tell whether “wanting more” is meant to be inspiring or if it’s coded language. Either way, the manager struggles to describe what new or different work might come Veronica’s way.

The discussion quickly breaks down, and Veronica winds up feeling cornered. She ends by saying defensively, “You can count on me to do exactly what my job description outlines.”

Next, let’s talk through how an HVP might handle that situation.

Ways to Stay Positive and Curious

In the July series, High Results, High Value People, we’re discussing three quantifiable work skill qualities — courage, curiosity, and preparation — which will make you a key contributor. You might view the case study video and think Veronica was right to instantly say no — her manager was trying to take advantage of her.

Perhaps that perspective is correct. But have you ever known someone whose forceful, poorly timed “no” accidentally left the impression that they were narrow-minded? And did that harsh one-off conversation shut the door to other projects where they would have loved to say “yes”? That’s what happened in the case study — Veronica forgot to keep her options open.

So, if you find yourself feeling put on the spot, do what HVP’s do. They use curiosity to their advantage by combining it with the soft skill How tactic of discernment. The right information helps you determine what answer to give as well as how and when to deliver it. Those actions add up to a high value, wise choice!

Now, let’s explore practical ways you can use to keep the conversation positive and productive. Here are four go-to responses to stay in the flow, and be sure to brainstorm replies that feel right to you:

And here’s a bonus, just in case you’re confronted by someone who seems pushy, passive-aggressive or ambiguous. How about: “You mentioned you’d like me to “want more for myself.” Could you expand on that idea? What kinds of projects would lead to a promotion or raise?”

Poor communicators come and go, but skills are forever. So, don’t miss out on becoming a high results, high value person because of vague messaging. Probe in healthy ways and then apply your best judgment about whether a shot is worth taking.



Michelle Mains
Michelle Mains

Written by Michelle Mains

Soul Boss creator. Learn how soft skills solve hard problems at https://michellemains.com/.

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